20:15 Uhr - Kvarteret

Regie: Pablo Berger
Set in 1920s Andalucia, the story of Blancanieves – Snow White – unfolds like you have never seen before. Her name is Carmencita, and she is the daughter of a famous matador and a beautiful dancer. The little family is suddenly torn apart: her mother dies in childbirth and her father is severely injured in a bullfighting accident. This soon leaves Carmencita in the custody of her evil stepmother, Encarna. After struggling through an unhappy upbringing, she encounters a crew of traveling, bullfighting dwarves. Together, they set off on a journey that will end in triumph and tragedy.
Spanish director Pabo Berger re-imagines the story of Snow White in this acclaimed modern take on the silent film, which he has called his ”love letter to european silent cinema”. Eerie and delightful all at once, BLANCANIEVES is a true cinematic gem.