

Audience Award Morelia International Film Festival, Mexico

Thursday - 09/20/2018
7:00 PM - City Kino Wedding 
Documentary / Tempestad / Mexico / 2016 / Language: Spanish / Subtitles: English / 105 Min.
Director: Tatiana Huezo
Writer: Tatiana Huezo
Producer: Nicolás Celis, Sebastián Celis, Pepe Cohen, Joakim Ziegler
Cinematographer: Ernesto Pardo
Editor: Lucrecia Gutiérrez-Maupomé,Tatiana Huezo
Sound: Lena Esquenazi
Music: Leonardo Heiblum, Jacobo Lieberman

On a day like any other, airport employee Miriam is suddenly arrested and falsely accused of organized crime and human trafficking. She is transferred to a detention centre run by the Mexican cartel and tortured while her family is forced to pay for her maintenance. Upon her release years later, she travels by bus across the country, hoping to see her child again. She speaks of her experience in voice-over while magnetic images of bus travellers and places along the highway reveal a bleak panorama of contemporary Mexico. Miriam herself is never on screen.
Instead, the second protagonist Adela, whose fate painfully reflects Miriam’s life, appears in front of the camera. She is a professional clown from a circus family and talks about her daughter, who got kidnapped as a student ten years ago.
The stories of two mothers, who have both lost their children, are translated into poetic images of enormous emotional force by director Tatiana Huezo. Huezo has already been part of the Favourites Film Festival programme with El Lugar Más Pequeño in 2012. With Tempestad she created an extraordinary documentary film of almost hypnotic impact.
